Black & White Trend on Baroness O.


Another interior trend straight from the catwalk: the back to basic black and white look.
Marc Jacobs, Jil  Sander, Louis Vuitton and Céline are all diving all into the black and white trend.
It’s hard to tell which one was actually first, the fashion designers or the interior designers?


I actually didn’t plan on writing some kind of New Years resolutions, but since the ending of 2012 has been quite an adventure for Baroness O. as for Line and myself, I decided to make a brief recaps of thought spooking around my head these last couple of months.
The time is now!

Vintage Tomado Shelf on Baroness O.

Somehow I find myself in a hate – love relationship with vintage. I can’t really say that I hate it because vintage is all over my own place. But I like to keep a good balance between new and vintage. Mostly because ‘real’ vintage has become so expensive these days now everyone is trying to fill their homes with as many vintage objects as they can possibly find. I wonder why many desperately hold on to their vintage-addiction.


Brown Leather Lunch Bag

As most of you know by now, to celebrate Christmas the only right way, Baroness O. gave away a bunch of gifts. (Or if you happened to miss it and feel some regrets, make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter! There will be more…)

For a whole week, every single day we gave away objects from our shop. The last giveaway was the cherrie on the cake: the amazing Marie Turnor leather picnic bag! Since we asked our readers to be creative in spreading the Baroness O. love, things got a little out of hand!
